Wednesday, February 18, 2009

As A Man Thinketh

It is funny to think that this book has been around since the turn of the century, yet its relevance really glows in today’s declining world. Change is no longer an individual endeavor, but an act that must be taken by the entire population, unified to achieve one sole purpose. It is time for a paradigm shift; all the garbage we inhale and exhale on a daily basis is the result of our tainted thoughts; thoughts the new generation grew up with, but desperately need to purify. If all that we achieve, whether we succeed or fail, is the result of our own thoughts, it is absolutely vital that people change certain blemishes in their minds. These days, mankind’s thoughts either revolve around money and material objects, or they are subject to complaining and self-pity. Their thoughts are garbage, and, as a result, so do they become.

Many of us do not understand how much power is packed between our two ears. James Allen gently, but directly emphasizes this power. We, humans, are like little gods, each sitting on our very own thrones. We are the masters of ourselves, our destinies, and all our situations. How we behave is a reflection of how we think and whatever we achieve is a reflection of our attitude. In the end, it is our mission to pursue perfection and keep closing in on it through hard work in the right direction led by proper thought.

Another aspect of this book that I admire is James Allen’s profound writing style. His authorship is absolutely remarkable .His words seem to fit in so well on the page and everything flows so smoothly. He presents to us a massive case that can be somewhat startling, yet he manages to attire it in such a way that it tenderly touches us and allows us the time and space to let it sink in lightly. He constructed this little book very well.

In more than one way, As A Man Thinketh is a great literary achievement, that has inspired me just as I am sure it has inspired others before me. It embodies the very secret that many people are searching for – it hands its readers the key to happiness. James Allen presented us with a very simple idea that has been suggested for centuries and that many people already knew, but never really thought about. This little book helped me a lot, since it took all the jumbled up and unclear thoughts already in my head and elucidated it with intense intelligibility. It has made my mission clearer and now, I am even more hopeful and certain that I am here for a greater purpose in life.

By: Marciano Proeve