Tuesday, October 6, 2009

AlphaMax Academy School Year 2009/2010

This school year, which started on the 1st of September, saw 9 new students joining high school. We also have a new student in the GAC program: Marina Sew-Atjon.

This school year started like many others, except for me and the other high school seniors who were starting the 2009/2010 Global Assessment Certificate course. The GAC course was quite a change from our usual school experience, and some of us were struggling to come to terms with this.

One of our first extracurricular activities was our participation in "Following the Footsteps of Mahatma." This event was organized by ICC and the Embassy of India, in association with AlphaMax Academy, in honor of Gandhi's 140th birth anniversary. Students wrote essays on some part of his life, and on the night of the 2nd of October the most outstanding of these essays were read as part of a tribute to Gandhi's life.

This year's Christmas™ vacation starts on the 17th of December, and ends on the 6th of January. The Easter™ vacation is from April 4th to April 19th, and the summer vacation is from the 30th of June to the 1st of September. Graduation will probably be in the second week of June. An exact date is yet to be set.

Vincent Hilversum