Sunday, June 17, 2012

GAC 2012 successfully completed

Students in the 2012 GAC class successfully completed their course last Monday, June 11.

Six students were in the course--Yamil Baptisa, Gabriel Grauwde, Timothy Naarendorp,  Vinantia Nandlal, Ruth Saman and Kristina Taylor.

Four of the group have already chosen their next step in the academic world. Grabriel Grauwde will be going to the University of West Virginia to Study Engineering. He was also accepted by Dalhousie University in Canada for the same field of study. .Vinantia Nandlal will be going to the Medical University of Dalian in China to study medicine. She represented AlphaMax and Suriname at the GLYC conference in Beijing last year.

Timothy Naarendorp plans to do IT at UTT in Trinidad and Tobago.Ruth Saman plans to do dentistry at UWI in Trinidad and Tobago.She also represented AlphaMax and Suriname at the GYLC conference in Beijing last year.

Kristina Taylor and Yamil Baptisa are still considering their options but plan to start University studies in September this year.