Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Professsor Ruben Karsters passes.

Karster's Famous Portrait of Hope and Peace 
Professor Ruben Karsters,head of the AlphaMax Academy died earlier today. Karsters was 71 years old . He was teaching his students up to last Thursday. He took a turn for the worse on Monday and was rushed to the Intensive Unit of the Academic Hospital on Tuesday.

Karsters spent nine years teaching the talented students at AlphaMax. Among his many achievements at the school was getting one of his students selected in 2008 as the Africa-Caribbean Art Scholar to Parson’s School of Art & Design in New York. In the last two weeks another of his students was offered a scholarship to the Internationally famous Savanna School of Art and Design (SCAD).

Professor Karsters spent six years studying Fine Art in Holland in the 1960's.Art connoisseurs both in Suriname and abroad regard Ruben Karsters as a sublime portraitist at the highest level. 

The poet and writer, Ivan A. Khayiat, describes Karsters' approach in this way: 

 "Karsters has spent the better part of sixty years seeking to perceive objects in  ever-deepening clarity – to the point of seeking out ever-deeply every subtle,hidden nuance of tone, colour, shade and shadow ever-present in the world of objective reality. This is the devout passion of Ruben Karsters’ artistic consciousness." 

The President of Suriname honored Karsters by selecting  the now famous “Portrait of Hope & Peace:  The Four Ms” as his state gift to the late President  of Venezuela-- Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in November 2010. The Directors of the AlphaMax had commissioned this painting in 2007 to inspire young leaders  with the outstanding life work of four of the most transformative leaders of the 20th century. 

 Khayiat describes the Karsters’ masterpiece in his review, Indian Resonances in Suriname, thus: 
[The painting is]... a nostalgic reflective study of four masters of politics by the master of art himself. The glowing liberated faces of Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela appear above the contemplative, serious – almost troubled - busts of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, the American freedom fighters, also men of colour.  Indeed, gazing to his left, the beaming, joyous face of the Mahatma, the apostle of  peace, clad in white – the son of India and father of the modern independence movement – appears to have inoculated and infected his dancing counterpart, Nelson Mandela:  both freedom fighters ironically were dramatically pitted at differing periods against entrenched Dutch supremacy and interests in Southern Africa.

An MSNBC online poll in December 2010 voted Bouterse’s gift to Chavez as one of the top three ‘Most Appropriate Gifts” given by one head of state to another.  

Today as we learnt that President Chavez has also passed away we reflect that perhaps the divine forces want us to cement the link between President Bouterse, President Chavez, Ruben Karsters and the ideals expressed in A Portrait of Hope and Peace which has been the focus of AlphaMax Academy's creative work since 2007.
The Master Fine Artist at work

Professor Karsters was further honored by the government of Suriname by having more speciaaly commissioned work presented to heads of state.

Ivan Khayiat ,the poet, has been particularly inspired to write poems for each of these works.  Non-coincidentally,Khayiat also chose a painting of Karsters' daughter as the cover for his award winning book of poetry ' Msiba, My Love". The cover of a collection of student writing-- " Surviving the Ordeal' was graced with a reproduction of a Karsters painting.

The President of Suriname Desi Bouterse has been an admirer of Karsters' work and he confided that he has two portraits of himself done by Karsters.One shows him as the young revolutionary leader of the 1980s, and the second done  in 2012, as  the reflective,mature elder statesman and international leader.

Ruben Karsters leaves behind his wife, Sabritrie and  three children, Cheranie, Vasilie, and Irina.  He also has a son, Anthony, from a former marriage.

The AlphaMax community expresses its heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to Ruben Karsters for a life fully lived and devoted service he rendered in shaping the talents and ideals of youths.