Friday, October 14, 2011

Four Questions For Rabindranath Tagore and His Answers

Timothy Naarendorp’s  Essay which won him the second prize in the Senior Division of the Tagore National Art Competition held in May 2011 in Suriname
Four Questions For Rabindranath Tagore and His Answers
People often feel at peace e when they are surrounded by nature. That’s why one particular man wrote and commented on the world of Nature. Rabinranath Tagore was born in British India, where he lived from 1861-1941. He was a musician, painter, novelist, and other great things. He was also the first non-European to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Tagore started writing poems at the age of eight and published his first on at sixteen. He was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the BrahmoSamaj, which was a new religious section in the nineteenth-century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monestic basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads. Mr. Tagore there are four questions I’d like to ask you. I’d be glad if you were to answer them.

Timothy: “Tagore would you say that children from your time or age were more capable of understanding each other that the time or age I live in”?

R.Tagore : In my time people didn’t really know much about technology as you do today. We would take our time to read a book or do an activity that we like. We would play outside and interact with one another. But nowadays I see you young people with all your new and fancy technology. Sitting in a corner, fighting to understand that particular piece of metal or in front of the television all day long.If you young people want to understand each other better, you should put aside the distractions of the modern world for a second and connect with each other.

Timothy : “Why do children in the end never speak their  minds when it comes to certain important things?”

R. Tagore : “Every child has her or his own way of thinking at a certain age. Children in my time were better at speaking their minds. Because everyone was connected in a way, but there were those who just let go of certain important things. And what I see in your time is that some children have the nature to be nosy and ask every little detail until the end. Others are taught to behave and not be a bother to others, whereas a few just feel not saying anything would be better. So what you have to do is show them that every little detail they think about that is being discussed is of importance, even if it were something stupid, which is what I have seen in every school that there is nowadays.

Timothy : “They say that text-books made by missionaries themselves poison the minds of children . if that is the case, where would a child learn the things he or she will need in the near future.?”

R. Tagore : It’s true, if you look at a number of books you will find that what is written in them are not how it appears after finding out the truth. I have seen it over these many years, it still continues, people love playing games with other people, thinking that they are superior then the other. So they write lies in whatever way they can, to keep you away from the truth. But I know the truth that’s why I did everything and am still abiding to it. What you as the next generation of youngsters have to do is not letting anyone think that way. Everyone is equal to another; no one stands above the other. And if a child is taught the wrong way in live, you should help that child in whatever way you can.

Timothy : “Would you say that evil is bad? Because without evil there would beno good, just like the missionaries who with the text-books poison the minds of children who are taught out of them? There will be people who are going to correct them like you.”

R. Tagore :Now, I wouldn’t say that they are evil, but what they are doing should not be. Why do they do does things just to gain something better that others. It is true that without evil there would be no good, but if you keep going in the bad direction you’ll end up falling untilthere’s no more helping you. And the people in you time easily end up falling off the path they choose, by looking at others wanting what others have. If something must come to you, it will in time. So please just patiently wait for what is yours.

I learned a lot from reading a few stories about Tagore’s life and what he has done in his life. Tagore wasn’t someone who got into university or any other high ranking scholar title. He was just a normal man like any of us, went into Mother Nature to become one with it. Us people or at least most of us life our daily lives in technology. And all people do is make more of these fancy gadgets that only bring pain and damage to Mother Nature. People need to at least go into Nature once every two weekends, just to feel the difference of life in society and life in the outdoors. I for one am glad that I was able to learn about such a great man as Rabinranath Tagore. And I don’t just say it; thoughts like these where at the back of my head. So I am a bit relieved to bring them to the front.