Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yoga and Education

Below is an Abstract  of the Presentation-- - "Yoga and Education"  done by Sean F. Taylor at an ICC sponsored seminar in Suriname on Sunday 2 Oct 2011
Yoga, as a system of exercise, is thousands of years old. (Archeological relics from Mohenjo-Daro attest to its antiquity.) Deeply rooted in personal experience or self-knowledge, yoga is simple, efficient, practical, and scientific.
Contrary to what many of her critics say, yoga is creedless — in no way confined or restricted to any faith or belief-system. Anyone can practice this step-by-step, systematized body of practices intended to unite and harmonize body, mind, and ethereal intelligence for wellness, wellbeing, happiness, peace, knowledge, and success. Through simple, methodical, and concentrated practice of yoga, one not only guides, one awakens deeply, harnessing the inner forces of his or her being. By willfully pooling and focusing the energies and forces within, the practitioners mental forces eventually become laser sharp — metaphorically-speaking, capable of cutting through difficulties, challenges, issues or concerns that he or she may face or be confronted with.
It is on account of the concrete development of laser-sharp skills of concentration and numerous ancillary benefits to the practitioner in this age of 'stress and haste' that yoga is of vital interest and importance to serious educators and students in a wide array of endeavors, enterprises, and fields of study.