Friday, March 22, 2013

Entire mining sector responsible for mercury pollution


dWT photo / Irvin Ngariman - Dennis Wip of the AdeK University during his presentation on mercury pollution in the atmosphere above Paramaribo.-.

PARAMARIBO - The assumption that only the gold sector is responsible for mercury pollution in Suriname is wrong, as the entire mining sector, including oil and bauxite, and natural processes contribute to this as well.
Yet the highest danger of mercury fumes is posed by the emissions of the alumina refinery in Paranam. Dennis Wip made these statements yesterday during his presentation on mercury fumes in the atmosphere above Paramaribo.He spoke at the seminar 'Minimizing mercury use in Suriname' organized by the national environmental institute NIMOS.

Mining processes
Mercury is found everywhere in the earth's crust, including in Suriname. "Once you start mining, mercury fumes are released and reach the atmosphere," Wip said. This is thus the case not only with large-scale mining operations such as those of Rosebel Goldmines, Suralco and Staatsolie. Processes should be introduced that minimize emissions or process the mercury that is the by-product of certain operations in a manner that is safe for people and the environment.

Pollution alarming
Throughout Suriname, including Paramaribo and pristine areas in the hinterland, high levels of mercury have been detected in the atmosphere, people and fish in recent years. "People blame only the gold sector, but the problem is that mercury can end up anywhere via the atmosphere," Wip says. He notes that Paramaribo as a small city has six times the emission of mercury fumes per person than some of the most polluted cities in China. Long-term exposure to low concentrations of mercury can cause fatigue, irritability, memory loss, depression and vivid dreams. Higher concentrations can even cause permanent damage to the nervous system or acute death, kidney failure, lung problems, heart palpitations and increased blood pressure. In Paramaribo, Wip has detected extremely high concentrations of mercury both in the atmosphere and in gold purchasing companies at different times.

Agencies including the Labor Inspectorate, health inspectorate and NIMOS can draft legislation that prescribe standards so that the employees of the companies involved are not exposed to mercury fumes. At certain moments, a concentration of between 7,000 to 8,000 nanograms of mercury was measured in the atmosphere above Paramaribo, which is seven times higher than the standard used by the World Health Organization.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gabriel Grauwde doing well in the US.

Gabriël Grauwde, a former student at the AlphaMax Academy (2012 Class) and now a student at the West Virginia University Institute of Technology continues to do well in both academic work and swimming.
Gabriel Grauwde

Gabriël is a member of the University’s swimming team and is considered one of the team’s best swimmers. This is the first year that the school has a swimming  team which has participated in swimming competitions. Gabriel has been to swimming competitions in several states : Ohio, Kentucky,Virginia,
, Oklahoma and of course West Virginia.  

Recently Gabriël competed in two very big swimming competitions in Kentucky and in Oaklahoma. The competition in Kentucky was the Appalachian Athletic Conference Swimming Championships and this was a Conference Championship where all the universities in the Appalachian Athletic Conference participate . Gabriël produced some good results making the B-final in a few of his events. 

Gabriël Grauwde also went to the National NAIA Swimming Championships in Oaklahoma City, Oaklahoma. For a freshman, qualifying for these championships is a spectacular achievement. At the national championships, even though Gabriel did not make any finals individually, he swam a few of his best times and his relay team was able to make the finals in a few of their relays. 

Gabriël is now preparing for the Suriname National Short Course Championships for which he will be returning to Suriname in May. Gabriël is a dedicated student-athlete and plans to continue to perform at a high level and to the highest of his ability.

AddMichael Grauwde
Written By Michael Grauwde

Monday, March 11, 2013

Kwasi Basi- for Ruben Karsters by Dr.Eugene Merkus

Kwasi Basi
In Memoriam Ruben Karsters 22 mei 1941 – 5 maart 2013
We ben kan syi ini yu ay
Dati yu yuru ben kon doro
Yu ben musu fu gowe hesbitem
Go na a wroko presi trasey
Now yu de hey na ini luktu
Na da bigi brinki krin-leti
Verfi wolku en kloru dey
Nafu dati ede
We e skrifi na puwema disi
Spesrutu gi yu ma pikinso gi we tu
Fu memre prakseri
We e wensi yu alla bun
Nanga alla we yeye lobi
Ini bun tem mah
Ooktu ini tranga tem
Tidey nafu yu, a de bika
Wan tradey we e kari tamara

Kwasi basi
Man furu nanga yeye faya
So fya komoto na we mindri
A gowe fu tang de tru,
Na trasey wroko presi
Yu ben de dya na grontapu
Mindri we wan tru winiman
Wan krasi anu kwasibasi
Ini a wey fu libi makandra
Yu gi yu srefi abra nanga
Alla kragti ini yu libiskin
Bun tem nanga takru tem
Yu e gowe now wroko-tapu
Yeye de klari fu teki da pasi
Dan yu e opo we fu syi krin
Tyari we go frey te na hey
Abra sabana pasa bigi tiri watra

Sukrem 5 maart 2013 © 2013 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ruben Karsters will be cremated Today- Monday 11 March

Ruben Karsters who died last Tuesday will be cremated in Paramaribo on Monday 11 March.
Self Portrait by Ruben Karsters
Services will begin at 3.00pm and the cremation will be at Hennep on Dr.Sophieredmonstraat. Dr. Eugene Merkus will be Master of Ceremonies.

On Sunday the traditional Singing Night was held at no.20 Standvastasastraat. Family and friends  gathered from 8 pm to 11 pm.

We hope to see his friends, colleagues and students. Those who are abroad have been sending their condolences on Social Media.

Friday, March 8, 2013

SURINAME verliest een ware icoon: RUBEN KARSTERS, Remembering the Legend.

Stanvastestraat 18-24
Paramaribo, Suriname
Tel. (597) 400566, 400588, 401356, FAX 401356

Motto: “In Diligent Pursuit of Excellence”OFFICIELE PERS BERICHT – 8 maart 2013
Paramaribo, Suriname

SURINAME verliest een ware icoon: RUBEN KARSTERS, Remembering the Legend.
Gisteren verloren de Alphamax Academy en het volk van Suriname één van haar levende artistieke legendes - Professor Ruben Karsters. Geboren op 22 mei 1941, overleed hij in het Academisch Ziekenhuis na een kortstondige ziekte.  Hoewel hij eerder met spoed naar het ziekenhuis werd gebracht is de poging om hem in leven te houden op de intensive care unit zonder resultaat gebleven.

Professor Karsters was hoofd van de Art Department van de Alphamax Academy waar hij in 2003 begon lessen te geven aan jonge talentvolle kunststudenten.  In 2007 werd een van zijn jonge studenten geselecteerd als de Afrika-Caraïben Art Scholar, Deze uitverkiezing bezorgde hem een zomer beurs voor Parson's School of Art en Design in New York.  Zeer recent werd aan een andere student, die de meester-kunstenaar voor vele jaren heeft getraind, een gedeeltelijke beurs aangeboden van een ​​zeer gerenommeerde kunst en design universiteit in Georgia, USA.

Ruben Karsters was een autodidact die ervaren kunstenaars van zijn tijd verbijsterd liet staan met zijn ongeschoolde doch bekwame behandeling van Schone Kuns/Fine Art Skills.  Op de prille leeftijd van zeven jaar was hij al zeer duidelijk de jonge meester zonder papieren of referenties.  Dus, nog voordat hij zijn tienerjaren had bereikt begon hij met het geven van lessen aan studenten die twee keer zo oud waren.  Het was in deze periode dat de jonge Ruben de aandacht trok van de Nederlandse kunstenaar, Nola Hatterman.  Die zag de buitengewone en uitzonderlijke gaven van deze briljante, getalenteerde, rijzende, artistieke genie.

Tot aan zijn overlijden, was het dat als hij betrokken werd in een serieus gesprek over kunst, professor Karsters over Nola Hattermann sprak met een zekere mate van milde “ergernis”.  Tegelijkertijd erkennend de rol die ze op dat moment speelde in het waarnemen van zijn gaven.  Voor Karsters, was ze toch een wat gewiekste persoon die met de eer streek van het werk van andere getalenteerde kunstenaars van die tijd in Suriname.

In 1963 was Karsters een van de eerste Surinamers die naar Nederland ging om Schone Kunsten/"Fine Art." te studeren.Deze kunstkenner maakte een duidelijk onderscheid tussen 'kunst', 'Kunst' en Schone Kunst/'Fine Art”.

Na zes jaar studeren in Nederland keerde hij in 1968 terug naar huis, Swieti Sranan, hoogleraar in de Schone Kunst/Fine Art.  Onlangs, zou de zichtbare ouder wordende meester-kunstenaar vaak zijn naaste leerlingen vertellen dat de uitputtende en zware studie die hij in Europa onderging ook werd gedaan door twee hedendaagse nog levende kunstenaars, Erwin de Vries en Soeki Irodikromo, die hij respecteert.

Ruben Karsters was misschien wel Suriname's meest gevierde en internationaal erkende Schone Kunst artiest/"Fine Artist" in de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw.  Zijn technieken, methodologie, zeer nauwe, scherpe studie van elk onderwerp, in combinatie met - zijn onnavolgbare fantasierijke uitvoering – doet uitermate sterk denken aan de Vlaamse meesters uit de Renaissance.   Als meester-kunstenaar, heeft professor Karsters kunstlessen gegeven aan tal van kunstenaars in Suriname, met inbegrip van Jules Brand-Flu, Cliff San A Jong, en TMC Martin Slagtand - allen van wie hij zich liefdevol herinnerde als zeer begaafde kunstenaars.

Volgens de vice-voorzitter van de Alphamax Raad van Bestuur, dr. Eugene Merkus,
"Als je deze man met zijn opmerkelijke gaven moet beschouwen, is het niet overdreven te stellen dat professor Karsters onvervangbaar is.  Dit geldt niet alleen voor onze eigen in Suriname gewortelde internationale school, de Alphamax Academy, hier in Paramaribo, maar in ons land, Suriname.
Professor Karsters zal sterk worden gemist in kringen tot ver buiten de muren van deze school en dit stukje aarde genaamd Suriname waar hij woonde en werkte. "

Ruben Karsters was de beeldende kunstenaar die in 2007 het ondertussen beroemde "Portret van Hope en Peace: The Four Ms" creëerde.  Het portret kreeg internationale bekendheid toen president Desire Delano Bouterse dit schilderij, het meesterwerk, in november 2010 als nationaal geschenk presenteerde aan de nu overleden president Hugo Chavez van Venezuela.   Dit kunstwerk is in opdracht van de directeuren van de Alphamax uitgevoerd om jonge aspirant-leiders en de komende generatie te inspireren met voorbeelden van persoonlijke zelftransformatie, opoffering en dienstbaarheid.

In een MSNBC opiniepeiling, werd Desi Bouterse's geschenk aan Chavez gerangschikt als één van de top drie 'meest geschikte cadeaus" die in 2010 door een staatshoofd aan de andere werd gegeven.
Het Karsters – Bouterse - Chavez geschenk kreeg de voorkeur boven andere staatsgiften van de leiders uit de eerste wereld, met inbegrip van Poetin en Obama.

Frappant genoeg, professor Karsters overleed op precies dezelfde dag en nagenoeg dezelfde tijd als president Hugo Chavez van de Bolivariaanse Republiek Venezuela.

Na zijn zeer succesvolle Portret van Hoop en Vrede, in 2011 en 2012, heeft Professor Karsters ook kunstwerken uitgevoerd die internationaal werden gepresenteerd.  Een waarnemer heeft verklaard dat misschien wel het jaar voorafgaand aan zijn overlijden zal worden erkend als Karsters’ ''annus mirabilis“.

Ruben Karsters heeft het onderscheid vermogen gehad om misschien als de enige beeldend kunstenaar in Suriname de huidige leider en president van de Republiek, Desire Delano Bouterse, twee keer te mogen portretteren (schilderen).  De eerste maal als de jonge revolutionaire leider in de jaren 1980, en meer recentelijk, in 2012, de volwassen scherpzinnige staatsman die zijn belangrijke plaats inneemt op het internationale politiek wereldtoneel als de Vader van zijn natie.

Ruben Karsters wordt laat achter zijn vrouw, Sabitrie Karsters - Sewpersad, en hun drie kinderen, Cheranie, Vasilie, en Irina.Hij laat ook achter zijn zoon, Anthony, uit een eerder huwelijk.

Volgens een directeur van het Alphamax die de opdracht gaf voor Karsters 'Portret van Hope en Peace,’  "De Rubens van Suriname is weer terug gegaan naar het uitgestrekte hiernamaals!"

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Master Artist of Suriname Professor Ruben Karsters passes on

Karsters working on the portrait of Fidel Castro

Professor Ruben Karsters, Head of the Art Department at AlphaMax Academy, died earlier today. Karsters was 71 years old. He was teaching his students up to last Thursday. He took a turn for the worse on Monday and was rushed to the Intensive Unit of the Academic Hospital on Tuesday.
Karsters spent nine years teaching the talented students at AlphaMax. Among his many achievements at the school was getting one of his students selected in 2007 as the Africa-Caribbean Art Scholar to Parson’s School of Art & Design in New York. In the last two weeks another of his students was offered a partial scholarship to the internationally-famous Savannah School of Art and Design (SCAD).
Professor Karsters spent six years studying Fine Art in Holland in the 1960s. Art connoisseurs both in Suriname and abroad regard Ruben Karsters as a sublime portraitist at the highest level.
The poet and writer, Ivan A. Khayiat, describes Karsters' approach in this way:
"Karsters has spent the better part of sixty years seeking to perceive objects in ever-deepening clarity – to the point of seeking out ever-deeply every subtle, hidden nuance of tone, colour, shade and shadow – ever-present in the world of objective reality. This is the devout passion of Ruben Karsters’ artistic consciousness."
The President of Suriname honored Karsters in 2010 by selecting the now famous “Portrait of Hope and Peace: The Four Ms” as his official state gift to the late President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, in November 2010. The Directors of the AlphaMax had commissioned this painting in 2007 to inspire young leaders with the outstanding life work of four of the most transformative leaders of the 20th century.
Khayiat describes the Karsters’ masterpiece in his review, Indian Resonances in Suriname, thus:
[The painting is]... a nostalgic reflective study of four masters of politics by the master of art himself. The glowing liberated faces of Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela appear above the contemplative, serious – almost troubled - busts of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X , the American freedom fighters, also men of colour. Indeed, gazing to his left, the beaming, joyous face of the Mahatma, the apostle of peace, clad in white – the son of India and father of the modern independence movement – appears to have inoculated and infected his dancing counterpart, Nelson Mandela: both freedom fighters ironically were dramatically pitted at differing periods against entrenched Dutch supremacy and interests in Southern Africa.
An MSNBC online poll in December 2010 voted Bouterse’s gift to Chavez as one of the top three ‘Most Appropriate Gifts” given by one head of state to another.
Today, as we learned that President Chavez has also passed away, we reflect that perhaps the divine forces want us to cement the link between President Bouterse, President Chavez, Ruben Karsters, and the ideals expressed in “A Portrait of Hope and Peace” which has been the focus of AlphaMax Academy's creative work since 2007.
Professor Karsters was subsequently further honored by the government of Suriname who specially commissioned other paintings presented to heads of state.
Ivan Khayiat , the poet, has been particularly inspired to write poems for each of these works. Non-coincidentally, Khayiat also chose a painting of Karsters' daughter as the cover for his award winning book of poetry “Msiba, My Love".The cover of a collection of AlphaMax Academy student writing, "Surviving the Ordeal” (2007) was also graced with a reproduction of a Karsters painting.
The President of Suriname Desi Bouterse has been an admirer of Karsters' work for several decades. Art connoisseurs know that Karsters executed two portraits of Desi Bouterse: One shows him as the young revolutionary leader of the 1980s, and the second, done in 2012, portrays the reflective, mature elder statesman, and international leader.
Ruben Karsters leaves behind his wife, Sabitrie and their three children, Cheranie, Vasilie, and Irina. He also has a son, Anthony, from a former marriage.
The AlphaMax community expresses its heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to Ruben Karsters for a life fully lived and devoted service he rendered in shaping the talents and ideals of youths.

Karsters Art Awards

At the close of the academic year 2004-2005, the very first year after Art Professor Ruben Karsters joined the faculty at the AlphaMax Academy, with the school administration, the school instituted two Art Awards.  Professor Karsters selected with care the recipients of these Academy Art Awards for it was a statement and accolade recognizing the gifts and talents of his students.

Below is a listing of all the students who received the AlphaMax Academy Art Awards:
Most Outstanding and Most Improved, starting from 2004 to 2012.

The Academy’s Art Awards         2004
                Most Outstanding:          Sabrina Lall          Isaiah Wiebers                  Almond Carr
                Most Improved:             Therese Dover      Georgo Boerleider            Vijoya Taylor

The Academy’s Art Awards         2005
                Most Outstanding:          Georgo Boerleider          Almond Carr
                Most Improved:              Shoghi Mantri                 Isaiah Wiebers

The Academy’s Art Awards         2006
                Most Outstanding:          Almond Carr       You Lee Ko
                Most Improved:                               Shoghi Mantri    Vijoya Taylor

The Academy’s Art Awards         2008
                Most Outstanding:          Nicole Tjon-Kie-Sim        Sharen-Vess Schaap
                Most Improved:             Kristina Taylor    Michelle Partoredjo        Shiromani Heilbron

The Academy’s Art Awards         2009
                Most Outstanding:          Vijoya Taylor      Sharen-Vess Schaap       Kristina Taylor

The Academy’s Art Awards         2010
                Most Outstanding:          Emily Jong Tjien Fa          Sharen-Vess Schaap      
                Most Improved:             Marysa Brandflu               Jason Hoppie

The Academy’s Art Awards         2011
                Most Outstanding:          Alvin Beckles
                Most Improved:             Shafeek Nazir

The Academy’s Art Awards         2012
                Most Outstanding:          Ruth Saman        Vinantia Nandlal
                Most Improved:             Alain Soekhlal    Daniel Kolf          Aaqil Wazir

A TRUE ICON OF SURINAME HAS PASSED: Ruben Karsters, Remembering the Legend

Presentation of Portrait of Hope and Peace to President Hugo Chavez

Yesterday, the Alphamax Academy and the nation of Suriname lost one of its living artistic Legends – Professor Ruben Karsters. Born on 22nd May, 1941, he passed away at the Academic Hospital following a short illness. Although he was rushed to the hospital earlier, efforts to revive him in the intensive care unit failed.
Professor Karsters was Head of the Art Department at the AlphaMax Academy where be began giving classes to young talented art students in the Academy in 2004. In 2007, one of his young scholars was selected as the Africa-Caribbean Art Scholar, granting him a summer scholarship to Parson’s School of Art & Design in New York. Very recently, another student, whom the art master had trained for many years, was offered a partial scholarship to a highly reputable art and design university in Georgia, U.S.A..
Ruben Karsters was an autodidact who stunned experienced artists of his time with his unschooled yet deft command of Fine Art Skills. At the tender age of seven he was clearly a young master without letters or credentials. Thus, before he entered his teenage years he had began giving lessons to students twice his age. It was in this period that young Ruben caught the attention of the Dutch-born artist, Nola Hatterman, who saw the extraordinary gifts of this brilliant, gifted, rising, artistic genius.
Until his passing, when engaged in serious conversation about art, it was with a degree of mild chagrin that Professor Karsters spoke of Nola Hattermann. While acknowledging the role she played at that time in perceiving his gifts, for Karsters, she was nonetheless a somewhat disparaging figure who took credit from the work of other gifted artists of that time in Suriname.
In 1963 Karsters became one of the first Surinamers who travelled to the Netherlands to study “Fine Art.” This art connoisseur made a clear distinction between ‘art’, “Art”, and “Fine Art”.
After six years of studying in the Netherlands he returned home Professor of Fine Art in 1968. Recently, the visibly aging artist would often tell his close students that the rigorous study he undertook in Europe was also done by two contemporary still living artists, Erwin de Vries and Soeki Irodikromo, whom he respected.
Ruben Karsters was perhaps Suriname’s most celebrated and internationally recognized “Fine Artist” in the latter half of the 20th century. His techniques, methodology, extremely close, incisive study of any subject, combined with – his inimitable imaginative execution – was deeply reminiscent of the Flemish masters from the Renaissance. As art master, Professor Karsters had given art classes to scores of artists in Suriname, including Jules Brand-flu, Cliff San A Jong, and TMC’s Martin Slagtand – all of whom he fondly remembered as very gifted artists.
According to the Vice Chairman of the AlphaMax Board of Directors, Dr Eugene Merkus, “When you consider this man and his remarkable gifts, it is not an overstatement that Professor Karsters is irreplaceable. This holds true not just for our home-grown international school, the AlphaMax Academy, here in Paramaribo, but to our country, Suriname. Professor Karsters will be deeply missed in circles beyond the walls of this school and these shores where he lived.
Ruben Karsters was the fine artist who executed in 2007 the now famous “Portrait of Hope & Peace: The Four Ms” which was made internationally famous when President Desire Bouterse presented the masterpiece-painting to the now-deceased President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in November 2010. This work of art was commissioned by the Directors of the AlphaMax to inspire aspiring young leaders and the coming generation with exemplars of personal self-transformation, sacrifice, and service.
In an MSNBC public opinion poll, Bouterse’s gift to Chavez was voted as one of the top three ‘Most Appropriate Gifts” given in 2010 by one head of state to another. The Karsters-Bouterse-Chavez gift was preferred above other state gifts from leaders of the first world, including Putin and Obama.
Ironically, Professor Karsters passed away on the self-same day as President Hugo Chavez of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
After his highly successful Portrait of Hope & Peace , in 2011 and 2012, Professor Karsters also executed artworks which were presented internationally.One observer has stated that perhaps the year prior to his demise will be acknowledged as Karsters’ ‘annus mirabilis’.
Ruben Karsters has had the distinction of being perhaps the only fine artist in Suriname to have painted the current leader and President of the Republic, Desire Bouterse, twice: First, as the young revolutionary leader in the 1980s, and more recently, in 2012, the mature astute statesman playing his vital role on the international stage as the Father of his people.
Ruben Karsters is survived by his wife, Sabitrie Karsters-Sewpersad, and their three children, Cheranie, Vasilie, and Irina. He is also survived by his son, Anthony, from a previous marriage.
According to a Director of the AlphaMax which had commissioned the Karsters’Portrait of Hope and Peace , “The Rubens of Suriname is gone to the great beyond again!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Professsor Ruben Karsters passes.

Karster's Famous Portrait of Hope and Peace 
Professor Ruben Karsters,head of the AlphaMax Academy died earlier today. Karsters was 71 years old . He was teaching his students up to last Thursday. He took a turn for the worse on Monday and was rushed to the Intensive Unit of the Academic Hospital on Tuesday.

Karsters spent nine years teaching the talented students at AlphaMax. Among his many achievements at the school was getting one of his students selected in 2008 as the Africa-Caribbean Art Scholar to Parson’s School of Art & Design in New York. In the last two weeks another of his students was offered a scholarship to the Internationally famous Savanna School of Art and Design (SCAD).

Professor Karsters spent six years studying Fine Art in Holland in the 1960's.Art connoisseurs both in Suriname and abroad regard Ruben Karsters as a sublime portraitist at the highest level. 

The poet and writer, Ivan A. Khayiat, describes Karsters' approach in this way: 

 "Karsters has spent the better part of sixty years seeking to perceive objects in  ever-deepening clarity – to the point of seeking out ever-deeply every subtle,hidden nuance of tone, colour, shade and shadow ever-present in the world of objective reality. This is the devout passion of Ruben Karsters’ artistic consciousness." 

The President of Suriname honored Karsters by selecting  the now famous “Portrait of Hope & Peace:  The Four Ms” as his state gift to the late President  of Venezuela-- Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in November 2010. The Directors of the AlphaMax had commissioned this painting in 2007 to inspire young leaders  with the outstanding life work of four of the most transformative leaders of the 20th century. 

 Khayiat describes the Karsters’ masterpiece in his review, Indian Resonances in Suriname, thus: 
[The painting is]... a nostalgic reflective study of four masters of politics by the master of art himself. The glowing liberated faces of Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela appear above the contemplative, serious – almost troubled - busts of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, the American freedom fighters, also men of colour.  Indeed, gazing to his left, the beaming, joyous face of the Mahatma, the apostle of  peace, clad in white – the son of India and father of the modern independence movement – appears to have inoculated and infected his dancing counterpart, Nelson Mandela:  both freedom fighters ironically were dramatically pitted at differing periods against entrenched Dutch supremacy and interests in Southern Africa.

An MSNBC online poll in December 2010 voted Bouterse’s gift to Chavez as one of the top three ‘Most Appropriate Gifts” given by one head of state to another.  

Today as we learnt that President Chavez has also passed away we reflect that perhaps the divine forces want us to cement the link between President Bouterse, President Chavez, Ruben Karsters and the ideals expressed in A Portrait of Hope and Peace which has been the focus of AlphaMax Academy's creative work since 2007.
The Master Fine Artist at work

Professor Karsters was further honored by the government of Suriname by having more speciaaly commissioned work presented to heads of state.

Ivan Khayiat ,the poet, has been particularly inspired to write poems for each of these works.  Non-coincidentally,Khayiat also chose a painting of Karsters' daughter as the cover for his award winning book of poetry ' Msiba, My Love". The cover of a collection of student writing-- " Surviving the Ordeal' was graced with a reproduction of a Karsters painting.

The President of Suriname Desi Bouterse has been an admirer of Karsters' work and he confided that he has two portraits of himself done by Karsters.One shows him as the young revolutionary leader of the 1980s, and the second done  in 2012, as  the reflective,mature elder statesman and international leader.

Ruben Karsters leaves behind his wife, Sabritrie and  three children, Cheranie, Vasilie, and Irina.  He also has a son, Anthony, from a former marriage.

The AlphaMax community expresses its heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to Ruben Karsters for a life fully lived and devoted service he rendered in shaping the talents and ideals of youths. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Venezuela's beloved, transformative dynamic Hugo Chavez dies

President Bouterse, President Chavez and the Iconic KarstersKarsters  " Portrait of Hope and Peace"

After two years of battling cancer, President Hugo Chavez  died today at 4.25 pm.

Vice-president Nicolas Maduro made the announcement on public television.Military and Bolivarian police have been sent out into the street to protect the people and maintain the peace.  

Maduro made the announcement just a few hours after addressing the nation for an hour, accusing the opposition of taking advantage of the current situation to cause destabilisation.

“Those who die for life, can’t be called dead,” Maduro concluded. 
President Chavez in Suriname

In Caracas, thousands of people have gathered in Plaza Bolivar and are said to be heading to the Miraflores Palace. Those gathered are shouting that "Chavez lives, the struggle continues," "the people united will never be defeated," as well as swearing that the Venezuelan bourgeoisie "will never return" to the Miraflores Palace.

Chavez was a close friend of President Bouterse who presented him with Prof. Ruben Karster's Iconic painting - A Portrait of Hope and Peace --the 4 Ms.when he visited Suriname in 2010.

Karster's painting portrays four visionaries of the 20th century who challenged the world to go beyond conventional thinking to shape societies with more potent living values for all mankind.  These men, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X not only successfully transformed their lives though searing experiences, but posed searching questions for all of us, including subsequent generations of leaders.

President Chavez was obviously delighted that the President and people of Suriname saw his political efforts in a similar category to those in the portrait.  At the presentation, he was quick to point to the picture of Malcolm X as he recognised that the artist, Ruben Karsters had boldly moved beyond conventional views; he saw Malcolm as a remarkable person who had transformed himself into a visionary leader who could move many with his witty and eloquent insights.
Read more here
Master Artist Prof Ruben Karsters at work on a painting for Fidel Castro

Today Master Artist and modern day Ruben--Prof. Ruben Karsters also passed away in Suriname. AlphaMax Academy and Suriname mourns the loss of a humble genius who quietly reached out across the world to project values of truth and integrity through fine art. He changed the vision of countless young people in Suriname. He inspired AlphaMax's message of Hope and Peace to the world by setting the theme for the creative work of the school. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Election of a Pope

The unprecedented news of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation was announced on February 11, 2013 and undoubtedly surprised many.  According to his own public announcement, the reason he would resign officially on February 28 is due to poor health and lack in strength in body and mind.  Apart from this reason, there are many other circulating theories explaining the Pope’s departure many of which are in response to the Vatileaks revelations.  The Vatileaks are leaked Vatican documents allegedly exposing corruptions and sex scandals within the Vatican.  The pressure of these waves of exploitations within the Vatican may have caused the Pope to resign.  Most Popes have held office until death; however, Pope Benedict is the first in over 600 years to resign.  
Pope Benedict XVI

The question now follows, “What happens after the 28th of February?” As Pope Benedict himself has said, a conclave will have to be convened in order to begin the procedure of electing a new pope.  The century-old process of electing a new pope has been set in motion.

The cardinals, the highest ranking Catholic clergy, are responsible of choosing a new pope.  A papal conclave is a century old ritual where the College of Cardinals gather to vote in absolute secrecy for a new Bishop of Rome.  Public campaigning is not allowed, although such a papal election is highly political.  Theoretically, any baptized Catholic male can become Pope; however, it is likely that another cardinal will aspire to the position of Bishop of Rome.  

During the conclave which takes place in the Sistine Chapel in Rome, there should be absolute secrecy from the cardinals participating in the vote.  They are not allowed contact with the outside world. The cardinals should, eat sleep, and vote inside until the new Pope has been elected.  It is generally not a very quick process; it can take days, and it has once taken nearly three years.  The numbers of cardinals voting changes as cardinals die or reach the age of 80 since only cardinals under the age of 80 are allowed to vote.
Lightning Strikes basilica 

Once inside the chapel, the cardinals take  an oath of secrecy.  They have an optional single ballot on the first day, but from the second day, two ballots are held in the morning and afternoon.  On the rectangular ballot paper is printed "Eligio in Summum Pontificem" ("I elect as Supreme Pontiff") with space below for the cardinal to write the name of person to his choice.  Each cardinal then places the ballot paper inside a chalice after saying :                                                      
"I call as my witness Christ the Lord who will be my judge, that my vote is given to the one who before God I think should be elected."  

After every cardinal inside has voted, the ballots are counted.  This process continues until the needed majority for a new elected Pope is reached.

The majority needed it two-thirds of the vote, with an additional vote if the total number of voting cardinals cannot be exactly divided by three.  However, after 30 ballots of deadlock, it can be decided that the procedure will be changed into a majority of half between- given that more than half of the College of Cardinals agree to such an arrangement.  Or is can also be agreed that the vote be restricted to only two candidates.  

After every ballot, smoke emerges from the Chapel to signal if a new pope has been elected.  While black smoke signals indecision, white smoke confirms that a new pope has been elected.  After white smoke has emerged from the chapel, it takes a short while before the identity of the new pope is revealed to the public. The new Pope accepts the position and chooses his name he wants to be known by.   

This process will take place once again after Pope Benedict officially resigns on Thursday 20th of February 2013.   There are already a few likely candidates, such as Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana.  The new Pope would have to make revolutionary changes to the Vatican and Catholic religion in order to redeem the church from the many scandals now revolving around fraud accusations and sex offenses that have been leaked.  

Reann was a key participant in AlphaMax Academy's Portrait of Hope and Peace (Part 4)The academy's message to the world.